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101 Екологія – Інженерна екологія та ресурсозбереження
Для студентів груп ОЗ
General information
History of department
Staff of department
Foreign partnership
Regulations on the department
Material and technical support
Accreditation and licenses
For the entrant
Why we?
Admission for 1 course (on certificates)
Admission for 1 course (according to the diploma of a junior specialist)
Admission to 5th year (Master’s Degree)
Official documents
Contact information (where to call and how to find it)
Postgraduate and Doctorate
Educational and methodical work
Education professional and science programs
Workers curriculums
Educational programs and methodological support
Rector control
Final attestation
Defense of the thesis project and the master’s thesis
Themes of diploma projects
Themes of master’s dissertation
Advanced training
Scientific work
Vector of scientific activity
Scientific publications
Scientific seminars and conferences
Reports of scientific work
International activity
Academic mobility
Scientific seminars and conferences
Reports of international activities
Schedule for groups
Schedule for teachers
Schedule audiences
Schedule for PhD
Schedule methodical seminars
Schedule of scientific seminars
Schedule of consultations
Schedule training process
Student life
Hostel №16
Student workshop
Honors students and their achievements
Foreign partnership