Admission to 5th year (Master’s Degree)

Department of Environmental Engineering is preparing specialists and masters on the basis of educational qualification of “Bachelor”. Documents in full-time education accepted the Selection Committee IEE (16th building, room. 125-16).

The documents for entry:

  • passport or other document proving citizenship (original and copy)
  • bachelor’s degree (original and copy)
  • addition to the bachelor’s degree (original and copy)
  • creative achievements, if any (scientific article in the chosen specialty)
  • military document (for boys, the original and copy)
  • ID code (original and copy)
  • six photos

Copies are certified of the selection commissions of faculties and institutes in the presence of the original. For submission of documents in the selection commissions it is necessary to leave copies of documents.

You continue training in the same specialty? Then you need to apply (the first phase – from July 4 to July 8, the second phase – from July 21 to July 29) and pass the entrance test (the first stage of testing – from 11 July to 17 July, the second stage – from August 1 to 7 August). These two tests – introductory test professional and foreign language.

You decide to change profession after obtaining the bachelor’s degree? Then you need to apply (the first phase – from July 4 to July 8, the second phase – from July 21 to July 29) and pass the main entrance test (the first stage of testing – from 11 July to 17 July, the second phase – from 1 August August 7) and additional testing of the specialty to determine if you can master the chosen training program.

The selection is made by the rating points, which include GPA for undergraduate score for the testing and implementation of creative tasks. Thus, the need to enter:

1. Make a specialty exam (comprehensive professional testing and additional testing of complex professional).

2. Take the exam in a foreign language.

3. High grade point average (>4,5).

4. Hard work (method. Materials deposited articles, articles in magazines).

5. Participation in scientific conferences.

6. Participation in the technical development of laboratory facilities department.

7. Scientific work with the lecturer.

8. Fluent software.

Training for specialists lasts 1 year and 6 months, and the master – 1 year and 10 months.

ПРОГРАМА додаткового випробування для вступу на освітньо-професійну програму підготовки магістра спеціалізації «Інженерна екологія та ресурсозбереження»

ПРОГРАМА комплексного фахового випробування для вступу на освітньо-професійну програму підготовки магістра спеціалізації «Інженерна екологія та ресурсозбереження»